Cabinet Painting With a Lasting Impact
Benefits of Cabinet Painting:
-Time: A full remodel can take months, leaving your kitchen unusable. Painting existing cabinets from start to finish takes on average 4-5 days.
-Money: Painting your existing cabinets is a very cheap alternative. Especially once you factor in the cost of countertops, sinks, plumbing, hardware, electrical, flooring, and possibly even trim carpentry.
-Stress: We can guide you through the process of painting your cabinets, giving you a stress-free experience.
-Money: Painting your existing cabinets is a very cheap alternative. Especially once you factor in the cost of countertops, sinks, plumbing, hardware, electrical, flooring, and possibly even trim carpentry.
-Stress: We can guide you through the process of painting your cabinets, giving you a stress-free experience.
We Offer The Best Finishes With the Best Products
Kitchen cabinets are the most expensive furniture in your home.
These are products that last.
These are products that last.
Sherwin Williams Gallery
series 2k
series 2k
Perfect Process Guaranteed to Last
Our process is refined to give perfection. This process of cleaning, sanding, priming, and finishing is guaranteed to last.
• Once we apply our primer, we are able to see imperfections more clearly so we go back to patching and sanding.
• When we are satisfied with the repairs, we move to our "prime to finish" step. We coat with primer until it looks like a finished product.
• Next, is the top coat for the cabinet. This is going to be the product with the color you chose. We sand in between coats. Our cabinet projects receive, at minimum, two coats of top coat.
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